Sasquatch: Shaman of the Woods

On a sunny day in May of 2007, my friend, Russell Wilson, who told me about a family seeing sasquatch just outside of town. I was immediately taken by the thought that they might exist and I became obsessed with the idea of finding out for myself.



On a sunny day in May of 2007, my friend, Russell Wilson, who told me about a family seeing sasquatch just outside of town. I was immediately taken by the thought that they might exist and I became obsessed with the idea of finding out for myself.

After four years of searching, we had found nothing more than one possible sixteen-inch print. I was feeling discouraged and was beginning to have the thought that it was time to quit when I experienced a strong odor and heard three very distinct knocks not far away. That incident renewed my enthusiasm and was the first of what has become frequent interaction with sasquatch.

At my core, I’m just a curious being. It is as simple as that. I have always wanted to know the secrets of the universe. It turns out that I was chosen for this, perhaps before birth. Perhaps that is why I was born different and with a sense of wonder about the realm we live in and beyond.

Am I superior? No, just different. We all shine with our own light. The truth is most don’t realize they are on fire. Everyone one of us are part of this universal fire and it is part of us. We all participate in the manifestation of our reality. You could call it God and I would be fine with that.

I have gone from atheist to very spiritual during this journey. That is because I have been shown and felt very unique experiences that have converted me to my current beliefs. The entities I’ve interacted with would tell you that I was not easy to convince. They have had to show me everything and in doing so, made my journey fantastical. I feel very lucky to have been chosen for whatever this is? I believe it has something to do with a reveal, perhaps to prepare humanity.


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