A Chicano Spanish Teacher

The book begins with the life of a young Mexican-American boy from South Texas. Family and pop culture were influences on through high school and college showing the reader who he was and what he experienced. He continues with his experiences teaching at the university level and through the public school system.



Born in a small town in south Texas, he lived in two worlds. Part of him was all-american outside the house and the other part, the family was the culture of Mexico. When he stopped playing baseball, he decided to get a little more serious about his studies. He enjoyed being in the college and university atmosphere. However after a few years of college, he still didn’t know what he wanted to do as a career. With a little direction from a couple of his professors who must have seen something in him, his career prospects began to solidify. He enjoyed being in the college and university atmosphere. He was lucky enough to have some travel adventures throughout his life. He was adventurous and experimented as any college student would with psychedelics and other substances but nothing hard. He never wanted to be a teacher but became one nevertheless. He actually enjoyed it and decided to get a graduate degree and teach in the meantime at a university. He continued into the public school system until he retired at age 56. At the age of 54 he was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa and since has gone blind. A couple of years after retiring he went to Chris Cole Rehab Center for the Blind in Austin, Texas for six months. He continues along with his wife to raise their two granddaughters who are already in their teens. He enjoys watching Stephanie Miller on Free Speech TV, reading, playing guitar, and just trying to stay busy.


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