
Got your book out there? Let your audience know!
The Literary Industry is very crowded with thousands of Book Titles released every year. There are millions of writers in the World. Thousands of newly published Authors. That being said, your Marketing Concept must be able to stand out from the rest. If you want to be the next Best Selling Author, it is necessary to be different. Differentiation combined with innovation will lead to positive results.

With the help of our experts, we provide your ideal Book Presentation and bring your Book’s Exposure to a whole new level. This is all about publicizing your thoughts and strategic marketing approaches.


Book Events draw media and public attention. This provides a platform where your book is displayed to face the crowds to be seen not just by the average readers but more importantly, the key decision makers.


We will be writing a compelling news article about your book and queue your release for blasting. Once your release is blasted, it shall be delivered to every major websites, search engines, and media outlets.


Radio is an intimate form of advertising that includes a built-in loyal audience. It helps you market you and your book to both local and national audiences. It is one of the few forms of advertising that allows you a large amount of control over who experiences the ad and when.

Book Trailer

Adapted from the term movie trailer, a book trailer is short promotional video distributed to multiple platforms to reach media-savy readers. It helps you engage your audience and generate more interest in your book.


An author website serves as a dynamic tool to promote yourself, your books, and anything else related to your personal brand. It increases your online presence, build your credibility, and a beneficial communication channel between you and your fans.


Magazines present high-quality images. Unlike any other print ads, magazines are kept in libraries, clinics, and other offices - which give it a longer life span and the possibility of pass-on ad exposures.


social media helps you market your book much more quickly and easily, it is efficient enough that is gets your audience looking at your promotion even when they aren’t thinking about your brand or product.


Social Media Accounts Management Services allows you to put your social media presence in the hands of professionals. This is to improve your presence on social platforms, ensure that your presence is consistent, and effective without you lifting a finger.


Newspaper Advertising is a trusted medium than other forms of advertising. This means that advertising in a newspaper indirectly brings about a sense of trust.


Book reviews give books greater visibility and a greater chance of getting found by more readers. On some websites, books that have more book reviews are more likely to be shown to prospective readers and buyers as compared to books with few or no book reviews.


Using the right marketing materials can help you effectively reach and engage your target audience. Promote your book if different formats -brochures, catalogs, business cards, direct mail postcards, and banners.


The screenplay is the guide for the Producers, Director, Actors, Crew of exactly what will appear on screen. If you are looking forward for your book to be turned into a movie,